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Employee Spotlight – Kim Koplin (Vogen)

Welcome to the Employee Spotlight

Welcome to another week of the Mahoney ‘Employee Spotlight’.  This spotlight is our way to reflect on and draw positive attention to the most important assets of Mahoney – its employees! A functioning business cannot function without a solid team in place, and we are extra proud of that team.

Every couple of weeks, an employee will be nominated and featured.  Next up is Kim Koplin, formerly Vogen.

Thank you for your time, Kim!

What is your role at the company? How long have you been with Mahoney, and what position did you start at?

K: I started off as a Customer Service Rep in May 2002.  That June, I became Manager.  The corporate office was located at Moen Avenue.  Years passed by and I moved to many different offices learning about each aspect of Mahoney.  Landed down at Mound Road getting dirty learning the operations of collecting our oil and routing.  Bounced back to Moen Avenue parking lot into a trailer for Subco; a department that was created as a tool to grow the Mahoney footprint.  We shared this trailer with the Sales Admins at first then got new neighbors with Preferred Oil, which Rick Sabol lead.  Subco then grew a little in accounts and staff.  We became Mahoney Managed.  Now that we were our own department that was responsible for making profits, they sent Mahoney Managed back down to Mound Round to another trailer to assist in running the Joliet Bulk and Chase Department.  Fast Forward….  Now in the past few years came back up the bumpy road to Moen Avenue (old corp) and landed myself the corner window office that use to be occupied by the General Manager of Mahoney, with the beautiful view of Lake Rockdale when it rains.

How do you balance your career at Mahoney with family life?

K: In my younger years, Customer Service worked Saturdays 7am – Noon.  Many times, I would have a little helper with me that loved to draw on all of our scratch paper.  Now-a-days, my phone is at my hip to answer customer calls or family calls 7 days a week unless I’m on the beach!

If you could switch your job with anyone else within Mahoney, whose job would you want?

K: No Such Position – I would love to start up and be the Training Manager company wide!

What do you like most about Mahoney?

K: The People – 17 years, I’ve met a lot of people, all different positions and ages.  I’ve watched employees get married, have babies and become grandparents!  My last name may not be Mahoney but I’m definitely part of the Mahoney Family.

What is on your wish list for the next five years at ME?

K: Updated technology, training programs, new trucks,  more staff and offices in Florida so when I retire, I can still work.

What has been your favorite project that you worked on here at Mahoney?

K: Subco was created as a tool to hire contractors so we could service customers all across the United States.  Merging it into Mahoney Managed took time, dedication and new leadership. When we hired in my current VP, Vito DiPietra, he was the man from Portillo’s. I was so scared when John hired him.  Many years later, we are still working together like two peas in a pod.  When we started, we had about 5 contractors.  Now, MM has grown and built relationships with over 150 different contractors to service our Mahoney customers.  Our MM Department has grown from 2 to 7 and with hopes will be increasing soon to handle more customer demands in order to grow the Mahoney footprint and larger profits.

Before working at Mahoney, what was the most interesting or unusual job you had?

K: When I was 18 I worked for a Baseball School. Worked with retired and active MLB players.  Teaching baseball and softball to all ages.  That is truly how I became a Sox fan because I was blessed to work with Carlton Fisk.

Share your proudest moment since coming on board at Mahoney?

K: I was asked to be the Poster Girl of Preferred Oil in 2007ish.  Somehow, when cleaning out the back last summer, that poster ended up on my office wall.  It reminds me everyday of the “Good Ole Days.”

Miscellaneous Questions (non-job related)

Do you have an office nickname?

K: Kimerz – Given to me by “Fish” (Carolyn Fischer)

Do you have a favorite or inspirational quote to share?

K: Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.

Best vacation you have been on?

K: 2016 Siseta Key Beach, FL.  That is where I recently got married, May 4th.

If you could change careers right now, what would you choose:

K: Fireman – It’s in my blood.  My dad was a firefighter.  I grew up in the brotherhood family.  Met the love of my life 10 years ago, who is also a firefighter, that has kept me in that same brotherhood.

If you could interview one person in the world (dead or alive), who would it be and why?

K: Barbara Bush – Fascinating woman! What didn’t she do?

Motto or personal mantra?

K:  Just Do It! 

If you were stuck on an island, what three things would you bring (assuming basics are provided for you)?

K: My husband Karl, my daughter Kelsiee and my yoga mat.

People would be surprised if they knew what about you?

K: I’m a 12 year cancer survivor.  Older employees all remember the scare when I collapsed at Moen Avenue and was carted off by an ambulance. I fought it! Came back! Still going strong! 

Finally….three words that best describe you:

K: Caring, dedicated and I wear my heart on my sleeve…so, I can’t count. 


Thank you, Kim! We appreciate your contribution to this interview AND especially to all you do for Mahoney Environmental!

Want to nominate someone? Submit your nomination by emailing [email protected]. Please title the email “Employee Spotlight Nomination”.

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