Grease Theft
How You Can Help Prevent Grease Theft:
Know what your services provider trucks look like.
Lock up your corral if your grease tank is enclosed.
Call the police if you see suspicious trucks.
Call Mahoney Environmental for security options on your grease containers.
It’s time to get serious about used cooking oil theft—it is a real crime, and it is occurring more frequently than you might think. The culprits are stealing your valuable cooking oil and trying to pass off their appearance as a trusted recycler.
The annual volume of stolen grease each year: 190 million pounds. This equates to close to $40 million in lost revenue to targeted firms! Grease theft also often results in damaged equipment that is used to store and secure grease onsite.
The truck photos below are the type and style of trucks used to unlawfully remove used cooking oil from containers located on many restaurant properties. Please inform your employees to be on the look out for suspicious vehicles.
Request that your employees call the police immediately to report potential theft. If possible, consider pointing one of your outside security cameras towards your grease container to help in the fight against the growing theft issue.
Related Services:
Used Cooking Oil Recycling Company
Cooking Oil Collection & Recycling
Commercial Grease Trap ServicesCooking Oil Equipment Installation & Design
Bulk Fresh Oil Delivery
Cooking Oil Equipment Installation & Design
Automated Cooking Oil Handling Systems
Used Cooking Oil Storage Containers
Custom Used Cooking Oil Storage Equipment
Download Our Guide
Learn how to manage used cooking oil and keep your kitchen safe, efficient, and sustainable.

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