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Due to Hurricane, Operations May Be Delayed

With Hurricane Florence heading towards coastal states, Mahoney Environmental has pushed oil pick up and grease trap routes scheduled for this week into next week – at the soonest. The entire coast line of South Carolina is already on mandatory evacuation, as is most of the North Carolina coast. Mahoney Environmental has been turned away when attempting to service select restaurants and other food service operations.

Please note the difficulties that the hurricane and potential flooding will make for us to service your business within our usual 7-day turn around time. As a valued customer, please be aware we will work around the clock to ensure we service you and keep your operation running as smooth as possible. During times like this, we want everyone to be safe, including our customers and our drivers.

Tropical storm. Elements of this image are furnished by NASA

To help expedite and keep this process moving forward in a safe and efficient manner, please ensure all lids to your used cooking oil tanks are closed tightly, especially if the oil is nearing the “full” line. 20 inches of rain is expected in some areas, and we want to help you avoid unnecessary overflow of these tanks.

Thank you for your cooperation and patronage. Most of all, be safe, find refuge and check on family and friends.

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